Monday 3 January 2011

Aches and pains and sleepyness

After fitting in a very poor 3 miles yesterday, my aim was to repeat that this afternoon, along with furtling about preparing to go back to work tomorrow. I slept until 11.30 then did some yoga before a planned brunch with friends, however they overslept too so we didn't get round to organising anything until 2ish. At that point I decided I'd stay home, get some bits done and go for a run by tea time, but unfortunately I spent the rest of the afternoon asleep on the sofa and woke up with a sore throat and feeling rather weak and feeble. So I'm not sure whether I can manage a run today, and I'm rather concerned that if this develops into another cold or flu I won't be running much in the near future either. Dammit!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no!

Hope you feel better soon